Who Wants to be a loveBILLIONAIRE?
Recently, I was listening to a podcast on how to become a billionaire. The volume of testosterone was playful and also highly clarifying. Turns out, I am not a billionaire because I don’t think like one!
When I visualize success, I think of creativity and making or offering goods and services. I assumed that billionaires were just a whole lot better at that than most people. Turns out, billionaires do not think of these things. They focus on leveraging and accumulating.
Gathering and magnifying are interesting energies to me but not with respect to money.
I am passionate about increasing the gross domestic production of love.
Flipping the script from cash to caring, allowed me to hear the billionaires’ advice differently. Cultivating love takes every bit as much effort as becoming a billionaire. It requires an ever widening network, a variety of emotional assets, long term investment, avoidance of trends, superconnection with amazing humans, teamwork and discipline.
To produce so much love that it becomes the legacy we leave to future generations sounds like a life worth leading. All of this is gooey, but it’s going to take a lot to show up courageously and lovingly in times where things are difficult. With the various fractures in our world, gooey is the least of my concerns.
As loveBILLIONARES, we know that turnaround situations are the very best for cultivating wealth. Taking chances will increase risk tolerance for future love investments when the challenges are higher and the heart rewards less certain.
After listening to the podcast, I am 100% sure I am not going to be a monetary billionaire. But I do aspire to be a loveBILLIONAIRE.
Instead of networking, I will widen circles of compassion. Instead of raising capital, I will raise the vibe. Instead of conducting transactions: I’ll facilitate transitions.
What do you say? 10X to love? Any takers?